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Volume 8 (2002) No. 1

Jeffrey Kurtzman and Linda Maria Koldau

Trombe, Trombe d'argento, Trombe squarciate, Tromboni, and Pifferi in Venetian Processions and Ceremonies of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Document 28: Mariegola of Scuola dei MilaneseVenice, Archivio di Stato, Monastero di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Busta 100, no. 1. Quoted and translated in Jonathan E. Glixon, "Con canti et organo: 'Music at the Venetian scuole piccole during the Renaissance'," Music in Renaissance Cities and Courts: Studies in Honor of Lewis Lockwood, ed. Jessie Ann Owens and Anthony M. Cummings (Warren, Michigan: Harmonie Park Press, 1997), 128. 

Anchora li fo ordenando che zaschaduno scolaro e fradello dela dita scola, lo qual si serà in Venexia in le predite feste e solennitade, si se debia esser con uno bello modo e costume ordenado e assunarse in la Ruga di Millanisi.  E la avere uno ziroto de ziera in mano, e poi partisse de la dita ruga con quatro trombe e trombete e nacharini, con do ziaramelle e con tanta solennitade e festa quanto li se po, segondo che parerà a li diti priori e degani che serà in quello ano.

Also, it is ordained that each novice and brother of the said scuola who is in Venice during the aforesaid feasts and solemnities is required, with good manner and dress, to assemble in the street of the Millanesi.  And there each should have a wax candle in his hand and then [all] depart from that street with four trumpets and with trumpets and drums with two double flutes ["ciaramelle"] and with such solemnity and celebration as possible, as deemed appropriate by the priors and deacons serving in that year.

Return to note 251.